If you can't find what you're looking for on our website, we might have it right in our store, ready to ship out. If not, we can order it for you. Either way, all you have to do is call us! We're a small family business and simply don't have the resources to get all of our merchandise online at once. It's an ongoing project.
Frequently Asked Questions
A large portion of our inventory is made from start to finish in Scotland, Ireland or England, and we aim to specify this on all such products' pages. Some companies source Harris Tweed from the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, and then they have the product finished elsewhere, because it saves them and the customer a lot of money.
UK labelling laws don't always make it easy for us to know the entire geographical history of an item. With that said, we understand the demand for authentic items made in the UK, and we strive to provide primarily such items. If you have questions about a particular item's origins, just contact us!
Yes! We sell custom kilts for men & kilt skirts for women in a huge variety of tartans—it's just something we haven't worked out logistically on our website. Just call us!
We have more tartan items that we haven't listed yet, like waistcoats (vests), braces (suspenders), cummerbunds, kilt flashes and more.
We have many more jackets, scarves and hats that we intend to make available online in the near future.
We also have quite a bit of jewelry, gifts and souvenirs that have not made it here yet. We're always working on it!
Most of our clothes will fit just like you'd expect, given the size. Whenever we're aware that an item runs small or large, we note this right on the product page.
You can wear any tartan that you like and you're able to obtain. We don't sell any "restricted" tartans which are only meant to be worn by certain people. Many people buy tartan clothing and accessories even if they have no association with the tartan, or even with Scotland.
If you're interested, though, our staff can tell you what tartans, if any, are associated with surnames in your family tree. Call us, and we can give you a very quick answer.